How do you play the More Beautiful World Game?
Non-competitive and simpler than volleyball
A. The Rules
- Make eye contact with the other person. Treat this like a two-person conversation that travels around the circle.
- Always begin with the other person’s name.
- No cross talk or comments (even positive ones) and always end with “thank you.”
- Players can pass their turn if they want more time to respond. They are nonetheless thanked as if they gave a full answer.
- Stick to the script. The person posing the questions asks them the same way every time, like playing slow pitch baseball.
B.The Script
- “[Name], what is one thing you can tell me about the more beautiful world your heart knows is possible?” (Partner answers) (Important notice: the script says, “What is one…” not “What is theone…”
- “How is that important to you personally?” (Partner answers)
- “How might that be important to the people around you?” (Partner answers)
- “Thank you.”
Directions: First, one person asks the three questions of the personnext to them. The answerer becomes the next asker—going back and forth or around the circle many times. One game can last 20 minutes or spark a lifetime of creative thought. More is better. Playing the More Beautiful World Game™ is simpler than playing volleyball and, like playing volleyball, it can produce a shot of dopamine and an endorphin rush!
C.The Wrap Up
Suggested questions asked of the group for wrapping up a game (The wrap up is an integral element in the game):
- What was a theme you noticed in the answers that were given?
- How was it for you to listen without interrupting?
- How was it to speak without anyone commenting?
- Who do you know nearby and far away that would like to know about the More Beautiful World Game™?
Some Coaching and Tips
I’m having trouble with the first question. Can you help?
Hardly anyone is familiar with the first question because it asks us to think in ways we don’t normally think, i.e., outside the matrix. After a few rounds, it gets easier and goes deeper. Plus, a little practice playing the game strengthens a person’s imagination and mental flexibility in other areas of life.
Who can play?
Anyone can take the rules and script of the More Beautiful World Game and with nothing more than the paper you are holding start their own global network. The game is played with a circle of up to seven people in person or on a Zoom call or on a road trip or around the dining room table. Real-person-to-real-person playing provides the optimal results.
It’s your world
We encourage you to copy this brochure and send it to a friend or twenty. Translate the rules and script into another language. And join the MBW Team online.