How can playing a game influence the way the world shows up for us?
It's a matter of attention
Leaving the Matrix
If my intention is to get to Maui,how important is it to know I’m headed toward Chicago?
As we live our daily lives, it seems that many of us believe we have little-to-no influence on how the future shows up.We tend to act as if humanity is on a track of someone else’s creation. Things just happen.
To be sure, there are wars and weather, economic ups and downs and important legal and political decisions that move things around, but nothing substantial changes, nothing shifts in the fundamental experience of what it means to be a human living on Earth.
It seems a spell has been cast over the world,a trance that has left most of us oblivious of our true intelligence and true power. We tend not to recognize that we have settled for an imitation of our true nature.
I believe there is a world that wants to happen, a way of living that resonates with who we truly are, the seeds of which already exist within the hearts and minds of all of us. As one of its agents, I see my job is to summon others who share a similar perspective and to provide tools to manifest it.
The More Beautiful WorldGame™ is such a tool. It gives us access to undiscovered possibilities. Since, in the absence of a compelling vision nothing fundamental changes, the MBW Game has been designed to engage people in heart-centered, vision-building conversations about the world that somewhere inside they believe is possible.
The game is a non-competitive, win-win, vision-building exchange that can give people a direct experience of what connected conversations can be. As their minds put words to their hearts’ desires in a game-based framework, people can safely talk about what is deeply important to them, trusting they will be listened to and taken seriously.
We are so much more than ordinary reality portrays us to be. Playing this game breaks the trance of living without the power of vision.